Yes, after a long month's wait, we're finally UPDATING again! :)
A couple of announcements for you all to take note -
First up.
A reminder that we'll be taking our CF Group Picture for 2009 this Friday! (;
So come one, come all! =]
See the picture on the header? *points up*
Let's try to beat that. (;
We'll be taking the picture right after school, so please try to be punctual yeah. (:
And after that, we'll probably have a time of fellowship with a few games?
Find out on Friday. :D
There's something very special going on from the 10th-12th of December.
Asia Pacific Youth Alive Conference '09
Speak To The Nations
Empowering Youths To Impact the Nations!
We want to empower young people with a vision for their nation and the nations beyond. Young people must know that age is never a barrier when God is in it. While the nations cry for truth and salvation, let the youth rise up and be a voice to the nations.John the Baptist was a voice in the wilderness crying out, “Prepare the way of the Lord”. Our youth will declare, “Prepare the way of the Risen Lord… Speak to the Nations!”
Where & When is this conference?
Date : 10 - 12 December 2009 (Thursday – Saturday)
Venue : Glad Tidings Assembly of God
6 Jalan Bersatu 13/4
46200 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Malaysia
Featured Bands
Don’t miss the amazing bands that will be on during the conference! It’s going to be an amazing time of worship with these guys as we lift up the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

So what are you waiting for?
Sign up for this awesome event as soon as possible!
Click HERE for more information.
Early bird [meaning you get a free T-Shirt] has been extended to 15th of November.
So hurry up and download your forms from the blog.
If you have any questions, come and see Samuel Wong or Esther Lim at 4 Usaha.
For the afternoon session, look for Michelle Chong, 2 Setia. (;